ich verstehe jetzt nicht was daran so schlimm ist?! regt ihr euch jetzt auf, dass jemand geschrieben hat das es fanclub tickets gibt oder was war jetzt der grund?? oder stand das auf einer besonderen seite wo es nicht hingehört eurer meinung??
weil ich fände es jetzt nicht schlimm, wenn es erwähnt wird, dass es die tickets gibt....
Ach so:) Also das steht auf eBay in einer Beschreibung von Watford-Tickets drin, die für sage und schreibe 999 Pfund angeboten werden. Hierbei handelt es sich um Rocket Tickets und genau wegen solchen Leuten wurden strenge Abwicklungsmaßnahmen eingeführt und dass nur noch 2 Tickets pro Mitglied gekauft werden können.
Stimmt, aber diese Person würde die Tickets an der Abendkasse abholen und dann dem Käufer übergeben. Da geht's rein nur um Kohle machen...weißt du, wegen solchen Leuten gibt's halt immer mehr Einschränkungen, die dann für alle gelten.
Wenn er spaß dran hat, ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass einer so blöd ist und 1000 pfund dafür zahlt....(wobei meistens gibts ja doch irgendwelche verrückten)
ich finds schade dass die leute da nur geld mit verdienen wollen...
hoffentlich finden sich noch karten beim regulären vorverkauf..
oder vielleicht schaffe ich ja nochmal so ein ebay schnäppchen (wie letztes jahr 22 euro, 3. reihe, berlin, red piano..leider konnte ich nicht hin...hmpf)
Immerhin scheinen die vom FC Watford das mit den Wucherpreisen auf eBay nicht ohne Weiteres hinzunehmen. Allerdings wer es erlaubt, 20 und mehr Karten an eine Person zu verkaufen, darf sich über solche Aktionen nicht wundern....
Watford FC slam attempts to sell Sir Elton John concert tickets on eBay 12:36pm Wednesday 11th November 2009
By Frank Smith
Sir Elton John will be performing at Vicarage Road for a third time on May 29.
Watford FC claim attempts to sell over-priced tickets for next summer’s Sir Elton John concert on eBay are in “incredibly poor taste”.
The former Watford chairman is holding the benefit concert to raise money for the cash-strapped club but that hasn’t stopped people putting tickets on online auction site eBay for more than double their face value.
One is attempting to sell two tickets with a combined worth of £200 for £500 and another is asking for £999 for two tickets, a hotel room and a "goody bag".
Watford FC’s head of customer sales Michael Jones said: “The sellers are breaking the terms and conditions of sale imposed by Watford FC and at this stage we do not intend to mail out the tickets in question.
“Whilst not contravening the rules of ticket sales on eBay, we believe the attempt to sell these tickets for profit is in incredibly poor taste when you consider that Sir Elton is putting on this benefit concert to raise money for the football club.
“That said, we shouldn’t allow the actions of two individuals to over shadow what has been a very successful sales process and with thousands of tickets being available for general sale at face value, we don’t believe they will achieve their aim for profit anyway.”
More than 8,000 tickets for the concert were sold in the first two hours on Monday.
Watford FC season ticket holders were given priority on Monday and Tuesday and the rest of the ‘Watford FC database’ have the chance to purchase as many as 20 tickets today and tomorrow.
The capacity for the May 29 concert, at Watford FC’s Vicarage Road Stadium, is 23,000 and the club are confident there will still be seats available when tickets go on general sale on Friday.
Watford hope next summer’s Sir Elton John concert at Vicarage Road will be close to selling out by Monday evening after 14,000 tickets were sold before going on general sale tomorrow.
More than 8,000 seats were purchased in the first two hours on Monday morning – a Watford FC record for any event.
Michael Jones, head of customer sales, said: “We anticipated having sold around 15,000 by the time we went to general sale on Friday morning so we are delighted to have nearly achieved that level.”
On Monday and Tuesday, Watford season-ticket holders were given first priority to purchase up to 20 tickets for the concert, before the rest of the ‘Watford FC database’ on Wednesday and Thursday.
Tickets go on general sale online at 8am tomorrow before phone bookings start from 9am on Monday.
Around 12,500 seats had been sold by the end of Tuesday and Jones hopes the concert will be close to a sell out by Monday night.
He said: “It is very difficult to be accurate on the number of tickets we will sell on Friday as we are appealing to a national audience now and of course Elton’s specific fan base away from Watford.
“We would like to be in a position where the concert is approaching a sell out by the close of sales on Monday evening.
“However if that is not the case we have plenty of time to roll out a wider advertising campaign to generate sales. ”
Watford’s ticket office suffered technical problems when the 2005 concert tickets went on sale but Jones has been delighted with how the club’s system has coped with demand.
He said: “It has been a fantastic week for us having experienced some problems last time around. We’ve gratefully received many emails from supporters complimenting the club on such a smooth process and the staff in the ticket office should be congratulated for all the effort they have put in over the last few weeks to make this possible.
“On the first day of sale we successfully processed over 11,000 tickets, of which 8,000 were in the first two hours, which I think endorses how well the systems have coped at such a busy time.”
Kame, Thomas, Kira, Peter: Drück euch die Daumen, dass es klappt morgen!!!! Ansonsten werden auf eBay hoffentlich auch Tickets zu Normalpreisen angeboten..
ich werd morgen versuchen eine gute karte zu ergattern.. mein ziel ist reihe 1-10 in den mittleren blöcken.. leider kann ich erst ab 15 uhr bestellen...